E-mail: Norcross@myshootingrange.com | Phone: 770.449.6200 

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We assist in the shipment and receipt of FFL transfers to autorized FFL dealers.  Click here for details.


We are a full service retailer of firearms and accessories.  Check out our featured products and manufacturers here.


The Norcross Gun Club and Range is available for rental for private or corporate events, birthday parties. or any other occasion. Click here for details.

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  • June 9, 2013

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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  • January 4, 2013

Duis faucibus faucibus dui eu porttitor. Pellentesque vitae dui erat, vitae ultricies lacus. Proin eu purus sapien, vitae elementum metus.

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Post with gallery
  • January 4, 2013

Curabitur tristique egestas nisl id gravida. Suspendisse a porta nunc. Aliquam nulla eros, egestas id placerat a, sagittis vitae magna.

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Latest client

I came in yesterday to buy a Glock 43. I've been in the range a few times before and it was a no brainier to come buy there. I walked in and everyone said hey straight off and asked what they could help me with. I told them and they went right to the cabinet and pulled out the 43 for me. I was asked if I had looked at the Sig, yup, but I told them I had considered it and this is the one I wanted as all my guns are Glocks. Very important point here: that was the end of the discussion. He asked and offered an option, I answered. There wasn't any why in the world do you want that gun, don't you want to look at something else, you're a woman and need a revolver, that's too much gun for you, Glocks "don't have safeties" BS, etc. My decision was respected. Meanwhile, I lady was there and trying to figure out what was best for her. Everyone was patient and made recommendations while she looked for the perfect gun. We started the quick easy buy process and it was completely stress free. I also brought in a Judge that we keep in the office that I'm unfamiliar with (and generally unfamiliar with revolvers) and wanted to try in case I needed to use it. They took the time to suggest how to grip and tell me what to expect with it. When the shells wouldn't eject after I shot it, and I came out to ask for an assist - someone joined me and just showed me what happens with revolvers, how to fix the issue, and done. The guys that work here are top notch. I came in and was treated like a member of the family that they see every week. No female double standards. No doubting my skills. Helped with a new gun I was unfamiliar with without giving me crap. It. Was. Refreshing. This is not the treatment I've received at other ranges. I won't shoot anywhere else and this will be the only place I make any future purchases. Appreciate the great service. -Andrea